We will update this page occasionally. If you can not solve your problem by this page, please contact us (Inquiry).
- Why the security can not be unlocked by Windows Vista?
There are many inquiries about security can not be unlocked when display the data in USB drive by explorer.
Security can be unlocked without closing explorer which display the file in USB flash drive from Ver.2.0.0
- Can I take out the data without purchasing license, when trial period is over?
Yes, of course. Data can be taken out, when trial period is over.
Product edition has trail period, after trail period security can be unlocked without security, data in USB drive can be taken out.
- Can USB Flash Security be used on the other device except USB Flash drive?
Some users installed USB Flash Security on SDHC card, and software works normally.
We have not confirmed that USB Flash Security works normally on SDHC card, so we can not answer any question about this. Please test it by yourself.
We received the report that USB Flash Security did not work on SDHC card at May 31,2009 from user.
- How can I restore my USB drive to make my USB drive to be a normal USB drive without security.
You can uninstall USB Flash Security from USB drive by [Uninstall] function in the operation menu of the software installed in PC.
Please be careful, data in USB drive will be deleted by this operation.
- Can I unlock security by Windows2000?
We have fixed the bug and security(+/++/#/##) can be unlocked by Windows 2000 from Ver.2.0.0.
- I input the correct password, but security can't be unlocked, Why?
The password you input may be be in half size or in full size by the state of Windows.
You can confirm the password inputted in password window, if use Ver.1.2.0 or later.
- Can I unlock security by limited(user, guest) account?
Administrator account is necessary.
If you are using product edition and install [USB Flash Security PRO Service] to your PC, security can be unlocked by limited account.
- Why does error [It failed to update the device.] display?
Maybe there is any monitoring software or the other security software which is accessing USB Flash Drive.
The error may occur when install security to USB drive by the same reason, so please close the monitoring software or the other security software whcih is accessing USB Flash Drive.
If install the following software USB Flash Security can not be used normally.- Photo Downloader(Photoshop Album Mini)
- ENCRDLG.EXE(SecureLockWare)
- Why security can not be unlocked by my customer's PC?
Security may not be unlocked, when there is any limit (no [Administrator] authority) of policy setting and so on, even if you try to unlock security by administrator account.
- What is [Disabled] in Operation menu for?
Disabled] is to make "Protected area" to be accessed without password.
For example, if you want to use the USB Flash Drive install USB Flash Security in Windows2000 or by guest account, you can disable security by Windows XP PC with administrator account.
- What is [Enabled] in Operation menu for?
[Enabled] is to enable security which is disabled by [Disabled].
- What is [Copy of release tool] in Operation menu for?
[Copy of release tool] is to copy release tool (UsbEnter.exe and autorun.inf) to USB Flash Drive, if you delete release tool by careless or to update release tool.
- After unlocked security, USB drive locked automatically for a few minutes, why?
We can not give you any answer, because our PC can not confrim the bug.
The following advice is from user, please confirm it for reference.
To change the setting of USB device in PC bios. The setting of USB device is [Auto]/[Enabled]/[Disabled] and default is [Auto]. When change setting to [Enabled] the bug fixed.
However, when reset setting to [Auto], the bug does not occur again.
So, we can't find the reason.
If you have any idea to solve this problem, please contact our support charge((support.en@kashu-sd.co.jp).
- Why "Protected area" can always be accessed without password?
If there any error occurred during unlocking security, then click [Cancel] to quit release tool, "Protected area" maybe access without password.
If there any error occurred during unlocking security, please do not disconnect USB drive and try to unlock security again by the repop windos of Release tool.
Almost error occurred during unlocking security is No.8 of Q&A.
If "Protected area" of your USB drive can always be accessed, please try to enable security by [Enabled] in operation menu.
- I failed to install USB Flash Security to Vista, Why?
If the setting [Only elevate executables that are signed and validated] of User Account Control (UAC) is effective, the error will occur by installing security.
Installation can't be run by the policy set by system administrator.
Please disable [Only elevate executables that are signed and validated] of UAC, then install USB Flash Security.
We are applying for certificate attached a signature now. If certificate is published, we are going to attach a signature.
We keep a digital signature in Ver.1.3.2. You can install security without disabling UAC by using the version later than Ver.1.3.2.
- Error message [A referral was returned from the server] display and security can't be unlocked by Vista, why?
When [Only elevate executables that are signed and validated] of User Account Control (UAC) is effective, the error will display and security can't be unlocked.
Please disable UAC, and unlock security.
We are applying for certificate attached a signature now. If certificate is published, we are going to attach a signature.
We keep a digital signature in Ver.1.3.2. You can install security without disabling UAC by using the version later than Ver.1.3.2.
- Does USB Flash Security work by 64bit Windows?
We received an inquiry that USB Flash Security didn't work by 64bit Vista.
We have not confirmed operation of the USB Flash Security in 64bit Windows, so we can not answer your inquiry. But if you find any way to use USB Flash Security on 64bit Windows, you can take a contact to our support charge.(support.en@kashu-sd.co.jp)
We have confrimed product editions of Ver.2 and all editions of Ver.3 work well by 64bit Windows.
- Does USB Flash Security work by USB 1.0/1.1 port?
We received an inquiry that USB Flash Security didn't work by USB 1.0/1.1 port.
We have not confirmed operation of the USB Flash Security by USB 1.0/1.1 port, so we can not answer your inquiry. But if you find the way for Operating in USB 1.0/1.1 port, you can take a contact to our support charge.(support.en@kashu-sd.co.jp).
We received an inquiry that USB Flash Security works well by USB 1.0/1.1 port at Api.13.2010.
- Why does warning of virus security display by running release tool?
The reason may be that vbs file is used when run release tool in Ver.2.0.0.
We have fixed the bug, and warning won't display anymore later than Ver.2.0.1.
- After unlock security, when click the drive to open it, safely remove tool run and remove the drive. How to stop the safely remove tool?
Please delete the autorun.inf file in "Protected area" and run UsbExit.exe to safely remove drive.
The autorun.inf file in "Protected area" is to add USB Flash Security to the menu which display by right-click drive. After release security, safely remove tool becomes top in the menu, so when click to open the drive, safely remove tool will start.
File autorun.inf won't be created in "Protected area" from Ver.2.0.1.
- Why folder can not open automatically after unlock security in Ver.2.0.0?
After unlock security without high-speed, the folder will open as plug USB Flash Drive into PC.([Open with...]). But it will not open by unlocking security in high-speed.
We have fixed the bug, folder will open automatically after unlock security in high-speed.
- Why error message [The capacity is too large] display, when install USB Flash Security ## to 500GB hard disk?
500GB USB hard disk can be used in Ver.2.0.0, and the error message displays when the hard disk is over than 250GB in Ver.2.0.1.
We have fixed it in Ver.2.0.2.
- Why the checkbox of "High speed release" is gray and can not select it, when use hard disk by edition ##?
We named this function as "high speed", because this way to unlock security is faster than the old one. The checkbox is to select the old way or the new way to unlock security. Error will be occurred when unlock security of hard disk by the old way. So we fix the setting of checkbox.
- Why the message [Found new hardware] always display when connect USB drive in Ver.3?
We change program to make it work normally in Windows Vista/7, but the message [Found new hardware] always displays in XP. We have fixed it in Ver.3.4.0.
- Is it necessary to cpoy "Safely remove tool" to "Protect area"?
We recommend user to use UsbExit.exe in order to enabling function certainly in Ver.2.
The function "Hide the protected area" and "check the application which is accessing the data in USB Flash Drive" has been added. Security will be enabled even if you disconnect USB drive without safely remove in Ver.3.
The file autorun.inf will be copied to protected area when copy UsbExit.exe. If you do not use menu soft, you can delete autorun.inf.
- Sometimes USB Flash Security service does not work normally. Why?
User who contacts us and provides us the log of event viewer.
Source: Service Control Manager
Category: None
Event ID: 7016
Description: USB Flash Security Service Ver.1.0.0 is disabled now.
We have fixed this bug. [USB Flash Security PRO Service Ver.1.0.1] has been released, please test the service.
If any the same error occurs, when use Ver.1.0.1, please contact us(support.en@kashu-sd.co.jp).
- When install Ver.3 to USB Flash Drive, error message (816) displayed and install stopped. Why?
The error (816) is displayed when the serial number of USB drive can not be gotten by USB Flash Security.
Almost USB drive has serial number, but some USB drive has not serial number.
We will fix this bug by the next version update.
If you purchased license and can not install security to USB drive by error(816), please contact us(support.en@kashu-sd.co.jp).
- McAfee always send virus report, why?
Because install file and uninstall file contain (Generic dropper.uv) file in Ver.2.1.1 and Ver.3.0.0.
(Generic dropper.uv) file is not detected as virus in the other anti-virus software, so it is obvious false detection. This file is detected as virus from Augest,2010.
We have received the message that McAfee has fix the bug and (Generic dropper.uv) file will not be detected by the update in 14 September, 2010.
- How can I move the license to the other PC, when I change my PC?
We will reset the the license info. for you, please contact us your User ID by E-mail(licence.en@kashu-sd.co.jp).
- If I lose my USB drive, how about the license?
Data in your USB drive will not be seen, because USB Flash Security is protecting it. So software is working well in the USB drive and license is in use.
- Error message [The error occurred by acquiring disk information.] diplayed and security can not be unlocked, how to solve this problem.
[USB Flash Security] will get the disk info. by Windows WMI. If there is any trouble by Windows WMI, this error will occur. You can try to unlock security be the other PC.